Malcolm’s Burger

Malcolm’s Burger

Time for another burger post!    Malcolm’s Burger in Pearl Drive Ortigas is just a few blocks away from office and dorm. I’ve been seeing it for sometime so I decided to give it a go. Malcolm’s Burger is actually made from Kitayama Wagyu Beef. In...
Good Burgers: All Lean, All Good

Good Burgers: All Lean, All Good

I’m seeing a pattern here– once a week blogging. NOT GOOD! Anyhoo, time for another BURGER post! Since I’m trying to minimize the damage brought by eating too much and sedentary lifestyle this blog (haha!), let me share with you a burger joint that...
Wham! Burgers

Wham! Burgers

I know I owe you readers more burger posts. So, here’s another one. *photo credits to Always Hot Always Fresh!!— this is Wham! Burger’s catchphrase. And indeed they deliver to their promise unlike other burgers (let me tell you...
Burgoo!: Hamburgoo

Burgoo!: Hamburgoo

Burgoo is very close to my heart (for reasons I cannot disclose..haha) The last time I came here was some months ago. As much as I would want to go there frequently, I don’t think it’s healthful. So, like many other American restaurants, you can expect...